Stefan Hubacher

Attorney-at-Law, MLaw
Born in 1982
Admitted to the bar 2009

Stefan Hubacher

Education and Career to date

2001–2006Master of Law of the University of Berne
(major: commercial law)
2006–2007Trainee/employee at the Swiss Federal Institute of Intellectual Property
2007–2009Qualification as attorney of the canton of Berne
Since 2008Employed by Fuhrer Marbach & Partners
Since 2012Independent lawyer with Fuhrer Marbach & Partner
Since 2013Co-Head group intellectual property of the Bernese Bar Association
Since 2013Trademark Analyst for Darts IP
Since 2014Lecturer for communication law at SAWI, Schweizerisches Ausbildungszentrum für Marketing, Werbung und Verkauf


Bar Associations of Bern and Switzerland

Institute for Industrial Property (INGRES)

Bernese Law Association

European Communities Trade Mark Association (ECTA); Member of the Geographical Indications Committee

International Trade Mark Association (INTA)


German, English, French

Main Fields of Activity

Intellectual property law

Trademark law

Copyright law



International law


Insolvency law

Contract law

Antitrust and competition law

(International) civil procedure law


Contributing editor of the magazine sic! for Intellectual property law, information law and competition law

Contributing editor of the magazine „Life Science Recht“

Die Marke zwischen Registereintrag und Benutzung (Bericht zum Ittinger Workshop vom 30. und 31. August 2013)

«Nivea Stress Protect / Stress Defence»: Starkes Element als Belastung?, in: sic! 5/2016

Markenfähigkeit medizinischer Implantate, in: Life Science Recht1/2018

Rechtliche Aspekte in der PR-Arbeit, Versus Verlag 2018

«Pachmann / Bachmann» – (Keine) Verpflichtung zu unterscheidbaren Zusätzen bei Ähnlichnamigkeit, in sic! 2/2019

Die Markennichtigkeitsklage, in: Schweizer IP-Handbuch, 2. Auflage, Helbing Lichtenhahn Verlag (erscheint Ende 2019)

Selected Presentations

Basel, CSC Seminar bei Acetlian Pharmaceuticals Ltd, “A World of New gTLD – role of the new gTLDs in a IP-strategy”

Zürich, INGRES Lakeside Tagung 2014, „Praxis des Immaterialgüterrechts – Kennzeichenrecht”

St. Petersburg, FICPI annual meeting 2016, “Branding Switzerland – the special relationship between Trademarks and Geographical Indiciations”

Hungary/Budapest, ECTA annual meeting 2017, Committee Meeting, “Swissness Legislative Amendmend – background, goals and content”

Zürich, HWZ – Weiterbildung Fachschaft Recht, “E-Commerce – rechtliche Chancen und Risiken”

Venice, FICPI annual meeting 2017, „What is a registerable trademark – requirements and restrictions regarding nontraditional marks”